Friday, July 06, 2007

Happy Friday

What a great day so far. So great in fact I'll even blog about it. I started things off with a little sleep in. I actually set the alarm daringly late, as opposed to just snoozing that long and the difference is remarkable. So then I had breakfast and what a nice treat, I actually had food in the house for breakfast so that was a nice change.

Then I toured the internet, looked at photos and stuff on facebook, checked the weather and my finances (both sunny) and then hopped in the shower.
My lazy pace got me downstairs to the lobby for 9am where to my surprise, my building's staff were waiting with coffee, bagels, muffins and donuts. and they were smiling about it too. Good ol' Jazz. That meant that for my sunny walk to work, (ipod in place, good hair day) my hands were each full and I had no choice but to ignore my buzzing blackberry. shucks. And since I couldn't spare a hand to skip songs, I actually discovered a couple I didn't even know I had ... like what's John Mayer doing there? But even John Mayer, who I usually make fun of, was a welcome soundtrack this morning. There was also Phil Collins and Elton John, each singing disney tracks --- note to self: revise playlists.

My neighbourhood just gets better and better because ladies and gentlemen, I finally found a video store within 5 minutes of my house. Tucked away on Mutual, right beside the grocery store is Mr. Movie. and Thank God for Mr. Movie. Until I found Mr. Movie, every time I wanted to watch something, I'd have to buy it from the HMV or else walk 30 minutes each way up to the Village. So I was just thrilled to finally have found the neighbourhood rental place. I got my first DVD last night -- Catch and Release with Jennifer Garner. It was set in Boulder Colorado and now I really want to go there.

So now I'm at work, thinking about le tour, Boulder, and about to have lunch with a friend. This weekend is the Buckwallow race, which I am very excited for. Stay tuned for updates there.

Happy Friday!


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