Friday, May 11, 2007

Down a notch

So I raced the midweek race at Albion on Tuesday night. It has been lovely weather lately and consequently, the course was dry and dusty. After the race, as is usual, I began to cough. I coughed during the cool down. I coughed on the drive home. I coughed when we stopped for dinner. I coughed in the shower. I woke up coughing. I went through the day coughing, until today, Friday, and I am STILL coughing.

Yesterday, after all that coughing, I went to see a doctor at the walk-in clinic around the corner from my office. My chest felt like a belt had been tightened around it. After the long wait, a doctor poked me, prodded me, asked me a couple questions and decided I have a throat infection. He gave me the option of taking a swab, or just having a prescription for antibiotics done right then.

I was a little confused, as maybe you are as well. I asked, "well, shouldn't we find out what I have before medicating it?" and he said, "yes, usually, but some people just want the drugs." I was taken aback. I opted to have a swab done and the results were to be faxed to my family doctor this morning.

Of course, today is the day that the one nurse working for my family doctor is off. There is no one to a) look at my results and b) prescribe the correct medication.

So now I am headed into the weekend without antibiotics to fight down this thing. My body is still trying to evict my lungs and windpipe. And I have a race on Sunday I might add.

I guess I should have just taken the drugs.

I'll remember that for next time.


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