Friday, February 16, 2007

Alabama Cycling Camp -- entry 5 - BAD DAY

so this morning started out okay. I promised myself yesterday that if it was cold again today i wasn't going to out. I set 3C as my lower limit. It was right on three and although i still didn't feel like I wanted to go out, i made the mistake of giving in and going out anyway. It took an hour before I hated everything there is to hate about cycling. I hated the way the water tasted after picking up the flavour of a plastic bottle. I hated the way my gloves were too thick to get into my pocket for some food. I hated the way the road was too rough. the way my temperature could never just be right. I even hated the other riders at various times. I wasn't fit for anything and really just wanted to throw my bike into the ditch. i imagined it for hours.

anyway, it all sounds very dramatic I'm sure, but it wasn't all bad. We had some early arrivers from the next camp last night and today. I missed the arrivals again last night because i went to bed pretty early. so this morning, i had three new names to learn. Wayne, Terri....and....well I guess I didn't know so well on the third. Terri and the other guy didn't ride with us and went immediately to work on building a deck outside the back. They drove here through the night and haven't slept yet. this worries me. I just overheard Terri trying to convince Aldo that base miles are a waste of time and that you should just be pushing hard all the time....what?!

so now we're back. I was too lazy to walk "all the way to the library" so i'm sitting on the couch by the fire. we had corn chowder for lunch. 60 miles on the bike. later, I think Michelle and I are going to try out some treasure from Big C's (if I can convince her to get off the couch as well). As we were both hurting today, we are deserving of a treat. I'd say the same thing if we rode like champs, so don't question my logic. You'll give yourself a headache.

Let's here some updates from home!



At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

News Flash....the highways in Bruce County are finally open! Friday pm.
It is still snowing on Saturday am!
Friday was a snow day...2nd time in two days.
Didn't get to Blue for skiing...roads closed.
So...I guess it was a Bad day all around. Coincidentally, there was even corn chowder at the cafeteria for lunch and I'm sure that it wasn't nearly as good as Renee's.


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