Thursday, February 02, 2006

American Idol: Build them up, then smack 'em down

I watched the popular television show "American Idol" last night and found new respect for Kelly Clarkson. That girl made it through a lot of bullshit if you ask me. and her career is looking more promising everyday: I confess to singing along to all her songs on the radio. catchy tunes!
Anyway, what I really wanted to say is that although Kelly Clarkson is great, the show that produced her is horrible and Simon Cowell ought to be ashamed of himself. and Paula and Randy too. They line up thousands of hopefuls, march them around the cameras touting their dreams, and then the inevitable: the trio of people who have clearly forgot what it is to have a dream (since their's came true, thus putting them above it all) smash them down for the entertainment of the masses. They would argue they are doing these people favours by saving them from a life of failure and disappointment--and they find a million demeaning ways to express that point. But in reality, they are robbing these people of their hopes and dreams. Even if they don't come true, those are the things that daydreams are made of. The things that get you through the other tough stuff we all go through. I think it is awful to profit off their murder. After just watching the show, I have temporarily fallen into self-doubt myself: do my dreams sound so ridiculous if I were to put them on camera? Luckily, I have got over it, but I didn't have any national-TV embarrassment to get through. If you haven't got a spot for them in Hollywood, or wherever, just say "no thanks", Simon, you classless pig. If your harsh words are what make the show worth watching, save it for the people who get the nod. at least they will still have some pride left over after playing the role of "whipping boy." You attack innocents for entertainment. Shame on you. I won't watch again.


At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all - these people who participate already know what the show is all about. For anyone even the least masochistic, this the stage they need. For the desperately innocent - they should listen to the warning advice I am sure they were given. As for the judges - as you said yourself - they cater to a mob hungry for blood. They all deserve each other. DON'T WATCH IT!

At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you forget is a good chunk of these people that try out don't actually believe they stand a chance. They're just looking for their 15 minutes of fame, like that other crappy singer got (you know, the asian one - forget his name).

Most of the people they make fun of, are terrible and need to be told straight up. Our society seems to believe that this is wrong, and this is why we have people with false hope - like the arts student everyone knows is a rube, but believes he can get into lawschool somehow because his guidance counselor didn't have the heart to tell him he/she was a dumbass and should pick a different career.

Anyways, if the people who REALLY want to become famous singers can't take what Simon tells them, then what are they going to do when the tabloids hit them?


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